Monday, June 29, 2009

What a hot June!

What a hot June!!! We lost 1 hen and 2 roosters due to the intense heat. I was heart broken to see that happen . Ronny tarped an area outside to give them a shady place to be and on the days when it is over 95 degrees I have been spraying the ground with cool mist of water in the afternoons when it is the hottest. They really like sitting in the cool dirt.

The Summer CSA is going full blast and we have moved the delivery dates to Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. We split up the drop sites and it is going alot smoother. This way the veggies are harvested every two days and we are not trying to harvest, package and deliver all of them at once. We are getting enough members that we are really needing a third person to help harvest and package. Ronny and I are running full blast all day trying to do everything that needs to be done, especially in this heat!

We are still planting veggies for the fall season. It is going so slow. I hope someday we can get some key pieces of equipment that will really help us grow. Right now we do all the planting, soil amendments and bed making using an old tractor and by hand. It is incredibly slow and very back breaking. There is a few key farm implements for the tractor that would really help if we can gets those someday. We have been so blessed with alot of interest in the CSA's. We have to turn down people who want to join because we can not grow enough veggies. That is disappointing because we need every member we can get.

We are in a transitional phase with the farm. Ronny still works out side the home some to be able to help provide an income for us but order for us to grow more veggies he needs to be here full time. Catch twenty two!!!! Right now he is working non stop and I am worried about him. I am here full time trying to do as much as I can while he is working. There is so much I can't do. I get stuck and can't go any further because I am not strong enough physically to complete the task. Sometimes we don't quit until 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. Spraying organic insecticides, foliar feeding, watering or even planting by a flash light.

The good note is ......that our gardens and membership are growing. The lord has provided many great blessings and we see progress. We have doubled in membership each season and alot of our members are returning each season.

This is where we are supposed to be I guess and I know we are not giving up ......we have come too far! This farm means alot to both of us. We believe it is good work and beneficial to the community and a way to serve the Lord earnestly. These days God intentionally has us walking on water daily.....we stay afloat simply by trusting him .......over and over again each day to provide our income and precious harvest. That makes us totally dependant upon him and you can't help but grow spirtually from that.